Welcome to Anti-Miladies! — ゆっくりしていってね!
Anti-Miladies is a collection of 10,000 pfpNFT's in a cancelled neochibi aesthetic inspired by our hate for nazis and groomers.


  • Anti-Milady Design: We've added cancel symbols to show our disdain for the original creators of Miladies.
  • Anti-Nazi: We don't do racism over here in Anti-Miladies.
  • Anti-Groomer: We're also of the idea that it's wrong to groom underage people.
  • Anti-Guilt: Anti-Miladies will allow you to enjoy the pure bliss of owning a Milady without the guilt of supporting 4chan groomers. Funds will definitely NOT be used to buy more Miladies!
Anti-Miladies Minting
Mint Anti-Miladies here
About Anti-Miladies
Unfortunatly its come to light that creator of Milady owned and operated the Treblinka concentration camp in the summer of '43. This unfortunate revelation has caused a schism in the Milady community.. On one hand the art is great and the vibes are good, but some feel that we cant condone this type of behavior from its founder. Instead of wrapping Milady and balkanizing the community we propose a third option to mantain network spirituality: Anti Milady! Anti-Miladies are the one true Milady NFT for the morally righteous. All of the fun of Milady with none of the guilt!

Anti-Miladies Community Discord | Anti-Miladies Official Twitter | Contract | OpenSea

All Anti-Miladies branding, assets and NFT's are copylefted under the Viral Public License. This NFT offers art, memes and community. DYOR, purchase at your own risk.